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Project Soul Space

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Wow. It was such an honor to be a part of this experience. It was incredible to feel the energy of the group as our hearts opened and we each reached deeper into ourselves. The sound system didn't work as expected, so everyone huddled in to be able to hear. It was intimate and authentic. After the sun had set, the lights were still off. There wasn't much to see, so we just listened with our hearts. The room became a beautiful constellation of blue glow stick bracelets, connected in an expanded space. We formed the image we had made for the event, of the connected vectors—our vision manifested into real life. What happened in there was magic. 

Our prayer for this event was for the right people to show up, and truly, all the right people showed up. Words cannot express our gratitude. Special thank you for NU Image Now Wellness Center for providing their beautiful space, and RMNSCE for producing the video of the live event!


-- Mahalo --

In this video of the live event, you can see Dr. Moon translating to the volunteers what their bodies express. It is the story told by their bodies rather than their minds. These volunteers were able to share their inner experiences with the people in the room without their own words, without the stories filtered by their minds. The audience witness them gain clarity through the process of hearing the parts of the story the mind has not been able to see, hearing the full truth presented by their bodies.

In the post event interview, volunteer Lorena shares what it was like for her to hear her translation. Lorena recognized those feelings, but the translation not only validated her experience, but helped her understand her own feelings better. 

Further more, Lorena's daughter, Lycette, shares how she also recognized those experiences in her mother, what it was like for those experiences to be clarified, and to understand her mother even better. 

It takes a lot of courage to volunteer and be so vulnerable, because you don't know what you can't see, you don't know what is the truth that would be revealed. We are so very grateful. Project Soul Space's objective is to share the wisdom that comes from a more complete perspective. This is how life long patterns, life long traumas, and wounds that seem like would never heal could truly resolve and be integrated to become a wiser and stronger whole. Dr. Moon is hoping that by sharing this process it would give people hope that no matter how painful an experience, how deep a trauma, it can be healed. 

Please subscribe to Project Soul Space YouTube channel, for future videos. 


Dear Beautiful Beings, our RSVP list for free admission is full. Please arrive on time to claim your RSVP spot. We expect the event to be at max capacity of the venue, so be sure to arrive early. Admission is on first come first serve basis. 

By submitting my RSVP, I verify that I am over 18 years of age. I agree to be in videos and photographs of the event, and authorize the use of any media produced from the videos and photographs for marketing purposes. 

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260 Kamehameha Ave, Suite 211

Hilo, Hawaii 96720



© 2013 by Moon Jean Ho

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